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An interactive Landscape for Creativity and Innovation | Digitale Highlights | Dr. Jörg Geißler

An interactive Landscape for Creativity and Innovation

We describe the i-LAND environment which constitutes an example of our vision of the workspaces of the future, in this case supporting cooperative work of dynamic teams with changing needs. i-LAND requires and provides new forms of human-computer interaction and new forms of computer-supported cooperative work. Its design is based on an integration of information and architectural spaces, implications of new work practices and an empirical requirements study informing our design. i-LAND consists of several ‘roomware’ components, i.e. computer-aug-mented objects integrating room elements with information technology. We present the current realization of i-LAND in terms of an interactive electronic wall, an interactive table, two computer-enhanced chairs, and two “bridges” for the Passage-mechanism. This is complemented by the description of the creativity support application and the technological infrastructure. The paper is accompanied by a video figure in the CHI’99 video program.

in: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’99), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., May 15-20, 1999. ACM Press, New York. pp. 120-127.
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